Adding GoNow Features — GoRide and GoCar Features (Gojek App): UI/UX Design Case Study

Salsa Andhini
9 min readApr 23, 2022


Hi everyone. I’m Salsa and it’s been a while for not being updated my Medium account. During that time, I’m keeping myself busy and productive by joining Dibimbing Bootcamp — UI/UX Design Batch 9 from December 2021 until now (February 2022).

One of the studies was about UX Research and there was a group assignment to conduct research based on the application that had been defined to our group. Thus, here I am going to talk more about it.

The research plan was about the Gojek application, focusing on GoRide and GoCar features (online transportation).

Dibimbing and Gojek logos (source of Dibimbing logo: — source of Gojek logo:

Before we moved a little further, we have to define these parts to conduct our research plan:

1. Background

2. Objectives

3. Methodology

4. Sample specification

5. Sample structure

6. Key information areas

And, here are the full detail about the sections.

1. Background

In this section, we need to define what the problem statements are about. A little note to this, the problem statements could not be fictitious so we can create the next step a little clearer.

The background of conducting the research (picture belongs to the author).

Based on the picture above, we decided to make the problem statements as there were some 3/5 stars reviews from users about GoRide and GoCar feature on Playstore.

On that note, the product team then decided to get to know what are the users’ needs and their behavior in using GoRide and GoCar features in the Gojek application.

2. Objectives

The objectives are the section where we need to define what the researcher needs to get some insight from the respondent later on.

The objectives of conducting the research (picture belongs to the author).

From the background section before, we already knew that the product team wanted to know what caused the 3 stars reviews from the users on GoRide and GoCar features.

3. Methodology

In this part, we set our research method which we will be using during our next research step. Based on the background section before, the product team needs to know about the users’ pain points, expectations, and pain points during their use of the GoRide and the GoCar feature on the Gojek application.

The research method of conducting the research (picture belongs to the author).

Thus, we decided to make our research method a qualitative — in-depth interview. In another some steps after this, we will be conducting our interview with the GoRide and GoCar users.

4. Sample specification

In this part, we set our respondents’ criteria whom we need to be included in our research to fulfill our research’s objectives.

The respondent criteria of conducting the research (picture belongs to the author).

We need the active users of GoRide and GoCar and have been using those features more than 10 times within a month.

The respondents also needed to have been using other competitor applications which have the same functions as GoRide and GoCar (online transportation). Likewise, their ages had to be the range between 15–20 years old.

Screening Questions

After the background sections are done, we could go further on to the next one. The next one was about making the screening questions that are useful to us — as Researchers — make some selections for these respondents who are matched our needs.

To make it clearer and give more focus to our respondent candidates during answering the screening questions, we split the screening questions into some parts, including:

1. Demography & Screening

2. Screening Behavior

3. Schedule Invitation

We believe that one of the important questions is about how many times are the respondents using the Gojek application. Besides that, we also gave some questions regarding the competitor’s applications that have the same function as GoRide and GoCar features.

The tool that we used for conducting the screen questions was google forms. The question types are including short answers and multiple choices so that the respondent candidates could choose the more precise answer with their thoughts — or needs.

Discussion Guide

Now we can continue the making of our discussion guide. The discussion guide is about the list of the questions that we prepared for doing the method of our research — an in-depth interview.

Same as the screening questions before, we divided some sections into this, such as:

1. User Profile

The most general questions were about the respondents’ names, ages, residence, and also their jobs. We could use this section before some specific questions which are coming after this.

2. General Behavior of Using GoRide and GoCar

This is the first specific question that we jumped into after asking about the respondents’ user profiles. In this section, we asked about the respondents’ general behavior when they’re using online transportation.

3. User Pain Points of Using GoRide and GoCar

Hence the name of this section, we were trying to dig more into the residents’ pain points while using online transportation — in this case, in the Gojek application; GoRide, and GoCar feature.

4. User perception and expectations of GoRide and GoCar

After the ‘pain points’ section, this section served as what are the perceptions and expectations of GoRide and GoCar from the users.

5. User behavior of using similar features on the competitors’ app

This is the section where we needed to know more about what are the users’ thoughts about the similar features on other competitors’ apps.

The sample questions of the discussion guide section for conducting the research (the picture belongs to the author).

After this discussion guide section, we’re going to collect our in-depth interview results using the Miro application inside our group.

Interview Results

Based on the insights which we’ve already got from our interview before, we were collecting each respondent’s answer into this board map. We were using the Miro application for this collecting method.

Collecting the interview results on the Miro app (the picture belongs to the author).
Collecting the interview results on the Miro app (the picture belongs to the author).

The data that we’re collecting in this section was called ‘verbatim’.

From this collecting method, now we’re knowing what are the respondents’ general behavior of using the GoRide and GoCar feature, their pain points, their perceptions, their needs, and also their expectations. After knowing each part of the respondents’ answers, now we’re doing the affinity diagram for grouping each dominant answer from the users.

The affinity diagram (the picture belongs to the author).

The affinity diagram from the picture above described each user’s dominant answers from our in-depth interview before. We did some grouping on this affinity diagram with these:

1. Pain points

2. Needs

3. Hopes

Based on the grouping that we’ve made on the affinity diagram, now we could move on to the take-out.

The Take out

After some grouping that we have done before, we made them take out from each group with studies, take out, and actionable insights. Here are the results:

  1. Take out from “Pain Points”
The take out from “Pain Points” (the picture belongs to the author).

2. Take out from “Hopes”

The take out from “Hopes” (the picture belongs to the author).

3. Take out from “Needs”

The take out from “Needs” (the picture belongs to the author).

Based on the take-out and actionable insights that we already did in the section above, now we were heading to the making of user persona.

User Persona

Persona is important since we had to know the personality of the users who will use our application — or in this case, we need the user persona who frequently uses GoRide and GoCar features in the Gojek application.

The user persona of GoRide and GoCar features (the picture belongs to the author).

User personas are fictional characters that represent the target users of a product. It helps us focus on identifying and solving problems our users are having.

User Journey Map

User journey maps are a common UX method that can uncover a lot of insights about users. We can reveal more details such as what users think, what users will do, change in users’ feelings, pain points, and opportunities. From the analysis results, users have some pain points during the process of using GoRide and GoCar features. Also, based on that information, some opportunities will cover the users’ needs.

User Journey Map on GoRide and GoCar features (the picture belongs to the author).


Based on the user persona and user journey map above, the solution recommendations are these:

The recommendations from the research (the picture belongs to the author).

These recommendations will hopefully increase the satisfaction among the users of GoRide and GoCar features who frequently use those features in their traveling activities.

From the recommendations above, I decided to make the “GoNow features” the next step in UI design.

UI Design

In this UI design section, I decided to make a new UI design similar to the existing GoRide and GoCar designs.

“GoNow” features
  • In this UI design section, I made the same as Gojek's existing design, starting with the fill-in “Lokasi Jemput” and “Lokasi Tujuan” on the top page, continued with the information about “Jaminan Perjalanan” to influence the users for using the ‘PerjalananAman+’ due to coronavirus outbreak.
  • After that, I also used the type of the rides along with the price on the right side — continued with the ‘Gopay’ payment and the voucher.
  • On the bottom page, I made the ‘Pesan GoRide’ along with the price in the green button, side by side with the newest feature ‘GoNow’. With this new feature — hopefully, the users will have the choice of whether they wanted to ‘Pesan GoRide’ and wait for the drivers to pick them up.
  • And, the last choice, the users could just click the GoNow with the blue button to be paired with the drivers around them to go to the destination right away — without waiting for the drivers any longer.
“GoNow” features
  • From the pictures above, when the users finally connected with the driver around them, they could click ‘Lanjut’ button to finally take the GoRide order to their destination.
  • After that, in the next picture, there will be an ETA about the arrival to the destination location that the users have stated before.

The Learning Process

While making this project, I realized that making a good UI/UX design that has a good impact on the users was a tough one. From the research section, we have to make on-point questions to get the right answers that we need to be taken to the next step.

After that, in the UI design step, we have to make the wireframe to create the concept of what kind of UI design we wanted to build — based on the research results before; in this case, adding “GoNow” features to the Gojek application.

Moving from wireframe, I made the GoNow features so that the users wouldn't consume their time waiting for the drivers to accept their orders and arrive at their pickup location. The minus part of this new feature is the users have to be around the GoRide drivers to maximize the use of GoNow features. On top of that, another reason is the users and the drivers could connect immediately when they decided to use the GoNow features.

At the end of this section, I realize that the result is not perfect. I am still learning a lot about the UI/UX design process and becoming more empathetic to understand what the users need to achieve their goals in the application.

Feel free to give your suggestions and feedback in the comment section down below. Thank you!



Salsa Andhini
Salsa Andhini

Written by Salsa Andhini

living in a world made of food, coffee, books, & cats in a garden full of flowers🌻

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